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Catching Up with Josh Ku

We’re stoked to be chatting with Josh Ku. Josh is a good human, recently engaged, foil boarder, spear fisherman, residential roofer, big wave chasing kinda guy. On top of all that he looks a million bucks in Critical Slide clobber.

Earlier this year, he grabbed headlines scoring one of the largest waves caught on the East Coast. An absolute beast at 30 foot plus. 


Josh, we would love to get to know you just a little better. Lets kick off with:

Where do you live and what’s your local break and beer garden?

I reside in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney in the beach town called Maroubra, I was born here and Maroubra was the local for me. In saying all that, no I’m not a bra boy so you won’t be seeing any branding on me, however I’m mates with all the crew and I love THE BRA, it’s home.

You’ve just returned from Thailand, where you got engaged. Congratulations. Have you ever surfed in Thailand? The scene over there is starting to get some traction?

 So my father is from Thailand he’s the legendary bloke who started CHAT THAI (if you’re from the Eastern Suburbs you will know this Thai restaurant) It has been 20 years since I last visited Thailand and my fiancé Berit bought us tickets for Christmas. Whilst there I did drop the knee to my partner in crime (one of the most nerve racking experiences I have ever had, I’m not sure why, I think I wanted the moment to be so special and I didn’t want to stuff it up) and it was a beautiful holiday. In terms of waves no I didn’t find anything worthy to write home about but I have heard there is waves their to foil!


What’s the most obscure spot you’ve found a wave?


 The most obscure surf trip I did was to an island in the northern part of Norway called Lofoten. We went late winter and there was snow to the water’s edge of the beach, knee deep snow! Waves were surprisingly good. We got tubed, witnessed the northern lights and drunk beers in the jacuzzi!

There was an iconic shot of you earlier this week surfing what looked to be a bin-find board? Can you tell us a little bit about the board as well as that day?

I was lucky enough to get a needle in a haystack earlier this winter over at Deadman’s in Manly, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Not my go to wave as it looks like a closeout, but I had intel it could be the day of days, I brought over an old board I found in a chuck out (I loved the board!) I got one wave that went viral on the internet and even had Kelly Slater congratulating me on paddling into the beast! The board snapped on the end part of that wave, I gave the board to a grom in Maroubra who was frothing and has fixed it to make it live on!

What’s more tricky, learning to surf or learning to foil?

Foiling for sure ! I think you need to be able to surf to get into foiling (however I’m sure there is people like Zuckerberg who went straight to foiling) Foiling is like standing on a medicine ball and doing squats whilst trying to ride a wave … it’s not easy.

Foiling is very niche, currently. But definitely feels like it’s gaining momentum and participation. Are you personally seeing growth in the foil community and which country seems to be driving the foil space? Apart from yourself, anyone that largely aspirational / pushing the boundaries?


Foiling is a great community. I believe it’s what surfing would of been like back in the 60s. People are encouraging, helping others out who have no idea and everyone is approachable with no ego. I love it. It’s a growing sport, but yes it is niche, it still has a stigma with old grumpy surfers. However I believe that’s got to do with the individual and the culture they have emersed themselves in. Countries all around the world are getting into it with some countries that are landlocked bringing it to the lakes and rivers! There’s a small crew of legends that inspire me for sure, some of the local boys like Jeremy Wilmotte and Perth Standlick but also some internationals like Annie Star and Jack Ho.


Now away from the water..what music are you listening to?


Can you put together your top 10 tracks?





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